The test involves evaluating the resistance of a coating of paint, varnish, or a similar product to cracking and/or delamination from a metal or plastic substrate...
The test involves the indentation of a single or multi-layer coating of paint, varnish, or related product using a Buchholz hardness tool. The resulting indentation...
It involves measuring the resistance of single or multi-layer coatings, such as paint, varnish, and their related materials, to scratching under specified...
The test is specifically conducted to determine the degree of detachment of the coating from the substrate material when exposed to high-pressure and hot water.
This standard covers a test method for determining the resistance of single or multi-layer coating systems (such as paint, varnish, or similar coatings) applied to a metal substrate...
For the tensile test, a specimen is first prepared from the material to be tested, according to the relevant standards. This specimen is placed between the jaws of the tensile testing machine in a centered and aligned...
It is a test conducted to determine the hardness of plastic materials using a penetrating probe. The test reveals the hardness level of plastic materials and...